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Topic: Queen Alice 1st Anniversary Tournament
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OnceuponEngland flag

why pick something so in-significant out of what someone is saying...
Thats just down right annoying...

If you're addressing me, ryan, I wasn't trying to be mean or pedantic. But a Smiley would have helped convey a lighter tone, and for that omission I apologize.

In fact, I'll add one right now.

jcmPhilippines flag
The first round has produced some interesting upsets. Unfortunately not in my case! :-)

tpstarUnited States flag
Thank you very much for your excellent site. I enjoy playing here, and the group is very nice. Just so you know, I came here just because your Anniversary Tournament was posted on chessgames.com which is where I live all the time.
I appreciate you trying to be fair for this Anniversary Tournament. However, I already foresee this event stretching out over years, because there is no mechanism to move it along. As it stands, the group of 186 is waiting for a handful to complete their games. If just one of those plays out a lost ending to mate, then the whole group waits for months.
You might consider (for this Tournament only) adjudicating the games at 60 days. If you don't want to act as judge and jury, perhaps a panel of your 3 most experienced players here. But it's already been over 2 months for the first round alone, and again some folks won't give up a lost game. Another idea is to pair long games as a draw at the 60 day mark, then they can keep playing while the other games get underway.
For next time, I agree that 2 games/round would be a very good plan. I would think your Anniversary Tournament would attract your most serious players anyway, so 12 games over 6 rounds within 1 year should produce a clear champion.
Thanks again for your site.
Tony Palmer, MD

MikeDohertyCanada flag
Well said tpstar!

I currently have 23 games going on, way too many.

There are some people here that have 100 games in progress and take full week for the move...

If Miguel set up a system to adjudicate a game, that would be a great improvement in speeding up the 1st round of this huge tournament.

tewaldUnited States flag
I have over 50 going (nearly always making my reply the same day my opponent moves), but only because most people take so long to make a move. I realize that that is their right, so I'm not meaning to complain. OTOH, some of them are those people you mention with over 100...that is, their slowness is why I need over 50 (gotta have my QA fix!).

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