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Topic: Blunders!
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
What was the worst blunder you made in a game of chess?

Once, my wife and kids were visiting friends where they also spend the night. As I came home from work and having a day-off the next day, I started playing chess and did not stop before 8a.m. I admit I had a couple of drinks, but after 14 hours non-stop playing my eyes were tired as well. The next happened in a game, here at Queen Alice:
I tried to castle with my Queen. As I go after making my move (I know how the situation looks like, though not this time) straight-away to the next game, I only noticed that I moved my Queen, and of course a Rook as well, in an impossible position in the beginning of the game.

p.s.guess what? I lost.

GambitsharkIceland flag
is'nit the best to forget the most blunders to avoid nightmares? ;-)

GreyRavenGermany flag
My worst blunder?

Moved my rook forward in an absolutely winning position (mate in a few moves), only to allow my opponent a backrank mate. :^-(

jwhUnited States flag
I've done it many times before & continue to if I'm not paying attention, allow my opponent to get between two of my pieces for capture - & their never pawns.

TwinigoCanada flag
A game in correspondance, to add the insult with injury :-P , where in a innocuous position I made the blunder of a lifetime by moving a piece in the center, allowing my lower rated chess friend to deliver a instantly checkmate coming out from thin air. Playing in the center is not always advisable ;-)

JimMorrissonIceland flag
Black to play

Jonasson - Angantysson
Iceland 1984

What Black invented here went around the world as a brilliancy: 26...e2 (Bxf6 would have won easily) 27.fxe7 Bd4+ and White resigned. Very nice. Months later, a reader of the Observer chess column, which was one of the many where this combination was published, asked what happens if White plays 28.Ne3.

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