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Topic: I'd rather chat than play today!
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seigneurCanada flag
Although I'm not really concerned, I'd like to mention a few things (just for the hell of it, really):

* I always thought Onceupon's "humour" was particular... in a way that is often either hard to understand, but usually mostly hard to interpret. However, from all that I ever gathered around here for the small time I've been around, I have to say that I don't honestly think Onceupon has ever been anything but acceptably kind to most people (he's even been more patient about Evjen's follies thrown about the forums than I was at any given point... not that I tend to be too sympathetic, though, but that's besides the point). I can see how his messages can be misinterpreted, though (and I tend to agree that there are just too many smilies... not because there are "too many", but mostly because that's part of what I can't interpret too easily most of the times). But I don't think they're mean or offending. That's why I always give him the benefit of the doubt.

* On the other hand, I perfectly understand why Gil wouldn't take Onceupon's message the right way. I'm not sure when or how it happened, but I didn't use to be able to write (or speak) English the way that I can now (whatever that implies). And if there's one thing that used to aggravate me, it was when someone would mention something about it, as if it was some kind of necessity or as if it followed that I was "as stupid as I sounded" (what I just said, taken out of context, would be pretty funny -- I realise that). You know, you're trying to tell somebody something rather hard to explain, so you're really struggling and trying hard, and somebody ends up not even listening to what you just said and points out that you struggled. (I'm not saying that this is what happened... however, I'm saying that this is how it can easily look like from Gil's perspective, and I don't blame him).

All in all, I think that there's quite a bit of misunderstanding going on, and that anyone's hardly at fault. I don't think Onceupon was being rude, and I don't think Gil is to be blamed for anything at all.

You know, I don't chat a lot in these forums... but everywhere I go, there's always you three (Onceupon, ClivetheBeard and Gil). I think you're all very nice, and that maybe we should just move on to something more meaningful.

ON ANOTHER ("more meaningful") NOTE (you'll see why the quotes just about now): Although Carla Bruni is what you'd call "pretty", I tend to think she's too hmmm... how to put it... Barbie-ish? You know, in all the pictures with Obama & Sarkozy, it seemed she was always the little useless thing you'd put in a painting but wouldn't be able to properly converse with (for whatever reason, either because you're not that interested, or because she can't converse properly, or whatever).

However, I gotta say, I find Obama's spouse very attractive. She's elegant, for one, but she "looks" intelligent (you know what I mean... you see something in her eyes that just isn't in Carla's eyes... I wouldn't be scared to try to talk to her about anything random (life, news, ...), as opposed to Carla).

Just an impression though, haven't actually met either one of them (and probably never will /:-( ).

Cheers guys! :-)

OnceuponEngland flag

You know, you're trying to tell somebody something rather hard to explain, so you're really struggling and trying hard, and somebody ends up not even listening to what you just said and points out that you struggled.

Maybe Alexandre is intelligent enough to realize I don't consider somebody to be stupid simply because they're not fluent in English. I'm not stupid. But don't ask me to write in Portuguese or in French /:-(

And so blame doesn't even come into it. However, that doesn't mean it isn't difficult to comprehend (no matter how hard one tries) what someone's trying to say when they're not writing in their native language. In terms of amusement, English can be most unforgiving at the best of times ;-)

...she "looks" intelligent...

Glad to see that no one around here reads others on their appearance :-P

chouiaFrance flag
Just like a lot of french people, I think that Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is simply a "has-been top model and soon has-been singer" who found in her last marriage with our president a funny way to retire (free advertising, free travels all around the world...). Nobody here believe there is the slightest part of love between Carla and Nicolas, better an economic arrangement : "you are decorative, I am powerful, let's make a deal !".
Besides, everyone knows here that Nicolas was very found of his last wife, that he has been very down after she suddenly quitted after he's been elected, and married a very rich man. We in fact think that the reason he married Carla so quickly are :
- not be the first not married french president.
- hope to make his former wife jealous, because Carla is younger and famous.
- have a beautiful wife to show around.
Nobody believes she loves him. They married only a few months after having met.
Carla is a rich girl from a very rich family, she never studied anything, never had to work to ensure a very high level of life. Her mother introduced her to "french grand couturiers", and she became a top model because of that, not because she worked hard to become it. When she has been "too old" to be a top, she was introduced to music by her mother as well, and so on, that is, she never did anything by herself, except having a lot of celebreties as lovers (singers, writers...).
As for Obama's wife, this is very different : she has studied and built her career as a lawyer by herself. She knows how life can be difficult. And of course, being elegant is not the most important part of her life (though she is). She is not "decorative", she supports and loves her husband, she is a real woman in the real life.

As for Onceupon, my advice is he is desperately looking for celebrity : take a look at his "profile"....being ironic is just a way for him to try to tease people and attract their attention.

Gil is more sympathetic to me, as are, in general, on QA, people from Brasil and Argentina. I really think that those people are more kind and cool than US and UK people : most of my opponents from the South America have a kind way to play, send kind messenges, "good game", and want to analyse. Most of UK and US ones never say a word, and more than that, never answer when you salute by "good game".

OnceuponEngland flag

Dont criticise me, give me a hand. :-)

I didn't criticize you. This is what I've been saying :-)

As for Onceupon, my advice is he is desperately looking for celebrity : take a look at his "profile"....being ironic is just a way for him to try to tease people and attract their attention.

Afraid you're wrong as well, Christine :-/

That bit in my profile was part of a joke elsewhere on the forum. Matter of fact, I hate celebrities and all who go nuts over 'em >:-(

jnablePhilippines flag
I go nuts over Bobby Fischer's and Tal's games. Please don't hate me. ;-) But they are dead celebrities, so maybe it doesn't count.

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