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Topic: How can a player still play if they're on vacation???
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therota2United Kingdom flag
How can a player be on vacation and yet still be playing lots of games?

Take RicardoFialho - he says he's on vacation, and yet he's still busy playing 30+ matches. BUT, he's using the vacation thing to avoid making his move on all the games where he is about to get checkmated. What a ******! I know the moderators don't like rude words on this site, so invite readers to fill in the blank.

PentotalArgentina flag
Mark, the vacations are to be used, you choose how to use it...

Is it not better if you try to improve you chess instead of taking care of what others are doing with their vacations.

Relax and enjoy the game.


elreyArgentina flag
To therota2:

therota2United Kingdom flag
Oh thanks! Now I understand that vacations are not really vacations, they are to be used for gamesmanship, and to avoid recording defeats. How silly of me for not understand this!

RuttyUnited Kingdom flag
When on vacation you may not be able to get on the internet. If you can then you are still able to play (if you want to!). I sometimes play when on vacation, all depends on internet availablility.

paladinGermany flag
When starting playing here I was puzzled too as one of my opponents kept on playing while being on vacation. Here like on some other sites I know vacations are some kind of an incremental time you may use or not - and you can stop it at any time you want. A good idea and I like it.

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