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Topic: PKC (Protected King Check) Chess Varient
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OnceuponEngland flag

I have already corrected several diagrams after problems were mentioned.

The point is, you shouldn't be making as many mistakes and yet they continue to appear. Otherwise, you insist that you're right even when you're wrong; I already corrected one of those notation errors, for what good it did.

Perhaps the first rules should be called PKC Chess 1, and the those plus the later extensions should be called PKC Chess 2.

So, if someone only wanted the draw reducing rules, and no change in the middle of the game, they could use PKC1 rules.
If they wanted a little more variation, they could use PKC2 rules.

Get serious!

chuckvondraUnited States flag
My understanding is that it is not the goal to capture the King, but to check the king with no escape possible. I would posit that black has won the game.

EvjenUnited States flag

The point is, you shouldn't be making as many mistakes and yet they continue to appear. Otherwise, you insist that you're right even when you're wrong; I already corrected one of those notation errors, for what good it did.

I just learned that 'x' is only used to denote capturing in chess notation. I had not realized you were correcting an error before when you removed the x. So, I should have wrote Qf2.

I am still pretty new at using chess notation, so surely you can excuse some mistakes.

Get serious!

I was serious!
Did it look like I was joking? :-/

EvjenUnited States flag

My understanding is that it is not the goal to capture the King, but to check the king with no escape possible. I would posit that black has won the game.

That would be true of standard chess, but PKC chess is different.

In PKC chess, white is not in check since, if black's queen captured white's king, white could then capture black's king with his rook.


[invalid fen]
r5Rq/8/1n6/7n/8/3B4/Q6R/6k1 w KQkq - 0 1

For some reason, the site will not recognize the fen of the position that would result if black captured white's king.

However, White's rook could obviously capture Black's king if he did so.

As I previously mentioned, the object can simply be stated as trying to capture the opponent's king, without losing your own king.
(Of course the game is over before a capture is actually made, as in regular chess.)

I think many chess instructions (that come with physical sets) say the object is to attempt to capture your opponent's king,
as a simple explanation and then later speak of checkmate.

Since the king is never actually captured, a more precise definition of PKC checkmate would be the following:
to attempt to trap the opponent's king in such a way that it cannot avoid capture, and that capturing it would not endanger your own king.

OnceuponEngland flag

For some reason, the site will not recognize the fen of the position that would result if black captured white's king.

I wonder why that can be %-)

...the object can simply be stated as trying to capture the opponent's king, without losing your own king.

...to attempt to trap the opponent's king in such a way that it cannot avoid capture, and that capturing it would not endanger your own king.

So what's to stop both Kings coming under attack on successive moves?

For example:


1. Re8(+) Rc1(+)

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