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seigneurCanada flag
Ah, people who compare themselves to Morphy. :-)

OnceuponEngland flag

After 40+ years playing domestic/international chess using post cards, I thought this was RRC.

Isn't it amazing how the young and ignorant believe that a correspondence chess game should last no longer than a week. Some players spend an entire lifetime on one.


These forms of chess are simply myths. Theoretical physicists proved in 1986 that it is impossible to play faster than RRC.

In 1994, a laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effects of playing RRC on the fabric of spacetime. Both chess clocks confirmed that to play any faster would tear open a micro-wormhole in the centre of the board, resulting in a draw. However, this violates the known laws of physics and attempts to play such games have since been banned by FIDE.

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag
Ah yes but as with many banned activities RRRRC has moved underground . The use of tachyon damping fields has allowed play without the damage caused to the spacetime continuum that that plagued early games .

The main unresolved problem is that of occasionally finishing a game before it has started . Obviously the loser is reluctant to start said game .... the paradox is there for all to see . It even worse if you happen to be playing a cat in a box .

robelixBrazil flag
Onceupon and bugeyewrx, I believe this conversation of yours belongs to the up and coming Off Topic Forum "Mr O's *ORIGINAL* Semi-Notoriously Odd Thread: Sci-Fi Edition" or the, not confirmed yet, "Mr O's *ORIGINAL* Semi-Notoriously Odd Thread:The Mumble-Jambo Edition (Plus)" :-P

OnceuponEngland flag
Nonsense, Martin.

It is said that Erwin Schrödinger went mad in later life and reconstructed his box experiment using a cat and a chess set. He proposed that all possible games would eventually be played out by the cat and that it wasn't until we open the box that one such final position would be determined. (Shortly after being institutionalized, he attempted a similar experiment with a manic depressive patient and a laundry cupboard.)

When colleagues entered Schrödinger's home a week later, they opened the box only to find that the cat had died after eating a Rook. Authorities claimed that, quite apart from the fact this was an abuse of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, the move was illegal and therefore the result of the experiment had no merit whatsoever.

"Mr O's *ORIGINAL* Semi-Notoriously Odd Thread: Sci-Fi Edition"

Hmm. I may hold a competition to decide a future edition title.* Watch that space :-P

* Mr Onceupon may not hold any such competition.

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