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OnceuponEngland flag
I'll comment just as soon as I've figured that out :-)

Or I'll PM you :-)

seigneurCanada flag
Onceupon, you realise I wasn't serious when I said "old prick", right? I mean, you reckon I was just playing around ? (I'm having trouble to figure out whether you're really offended or not... I'm sorry anyway).

OnceuponEngland flag
Well, I wasn't sure. You see, it appeared to me that you took some sort of offence at my Google comment. Although, if that were true I felt you might come back with a more appropriate retort than that. It just didn't seem like you and I was very upset :^-( *

But I now understand and though an apology no longer seems necessary I shall accept it anyway. I'm glad we cleared that up :-)


Woops! That was meant for the PM.


* Visit Mr O's ODD Thread! *


* Please note that Mr Onceupon was only mildly upset. The adverb "very" is used merely for melodramatic purposes.

** In no way intended to be sincere.

seigneurCanada flag
Oh no I wasn't offended by the Google comment. You seemed like you were playing around, so I figured I'd play around too.

Anyway, I really can't call you "old"... I'd say something like "middle-aged prick" if I wanted to be serious :-P

OnceuponEngland flag

"middle-aged prick"

Frog! >:-(

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