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Topic: Vacation
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FauquinelleNetherlands flag
...Which leads to another advantage of playing SRC rather than SSRC*:

1) Given an incalculable amount of legal positions**, time is not and should not be a factor in SRC.
2) Point is being there at the right moment within local abbreviated space/time constraints, and just doing whatever you think is appropriate.
2a) And hoping for the best.
3) Hence, SRC does not allow for vacation time. Any SRC player who attempts to claim such, will automatically be replaced by the first halfway sentient entity available. The drop in rating, however, will still be accrued to the initial opponent who agreed to the game of SRC, but went away.
5) So there!


* For those who are unenlightened as concerns the definitions of SRC, respectively SSRC, I refer you to an excellent thread hidden somewhere in these forums. Let the first to find it back: reply, float it back to the top, and be considered a hero for reinstating it to the relevance it deserves.

** Please do not even attempt to get into the amount of illegal positions allowable in SRC: I, personally, am one, and so are you, most likely!!

OnceuponEngland flag

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