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Topic: Vacation
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bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag
Do you think we could get this thread back on topic ?

Einstein stated that if you accelerate a cat in box to a significant percentage of the speed of light the the cat would experience time at a different rate to his catty friends back on earth . I think the box would also share the same experience , only it would probably be unaware of this fact .

Perhaps if the OP were only to play people who were travelling at a significant percentage of the speed of light all would be well . It would appear to him that they were moving quickly ( in the game as well as in reality )and they could take as much vacation time as they wanted .

I can only see two problems :

One you would need a really really long mains cable for the PC .

Two we have some how to get the rook back out of the dead cat .

If two players begin an RRC game whilst two different players start a neighbouring one and each match (the two players, their chairs, the chessboard and table) is accelerated away from the other at the speed of light, how would the adjudicator adjudicate both games?

I believe that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle allows the adjudicator to be in two places at once ?

OnceuponEngland flag

Do you think we could get this thread back on topic ?

Tell me what it is first :-(

Perhaps if the OP were only to play people who were travelling at a significant percentage of the speed of light all would be well. It would appear to him that they were moving quickly...

No. It would appear to him that they'd taken a lifetime's vacation* :-P

Hmm. A thought experiment:

If two players begin an RRC game whilst two different players start a neighbouring one and each match (the two players, their chairs, the chessboard and table) is accelerated away from the other at the speed of light, how would the adjudicator adjudicate both games?

* Please note Mr Onceupon's attempt to bring the thread even remotely back on topic.

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag

Do you think we could get this thread back on topic ?

Tell me what it is first :-(

Ah well Mr O ... now we are moving from physics to philosophy .

So - If a tree were to fall in the woods would a cat in a box be able to hear it ?


If you were to insult someone by 'private message 'is that some how ok as opposed to an insult made in public ?

OnceuponEngland flag

If you were to insult someone by 'private message 'is that some how ok as opposed to an insult made in public ?

That depends on the insult 8-)

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag
Good point .

I suppose a well thought out and worded insult deserves to be shared with a larger audience .

Perhaps insults that demonstrate ignorance , petulance and a certain degree of self absorption are better kept private . Very private . Perhaps so private that the insulted is unaware of the insult . They ( the insulted ) would then I assert be ' uninsulted ' :-)

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