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Topic: Computer Cheating
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WinnawerUnited States flag
I am new to this site and have a question. How much computer cheating goes on? I am not saying I think that I have been cheated, but am curios. I have Fritz and if I wanted to play it, I would. I want to play people, not computers.

miguelUnited States flag
Welcome to QueenAlice. If you suspect cheating please report so to me.

There are several trusted members here that help me in identifying cheaters. There have been a few members whose accounts were suspended because of cheating, I do my best to keep the site clean.


MikeDohertyCanada flag
some people make mistakes in the openings and recover like grandmasters...

I just find it curious some strong players dont have ratings or play compeitive, but play like masters...

muppymanNew Zealand flag
I am reasonably new here also and have just completed my 25 games to get an official rating. I like the feel of this site and I am genuinely impressed to learn that cheats do have their accounts suspended. I cannot begin to understand what possible benefit a cheat can get from having some other intelligence play his game for him, but there must be some strong incentive to do it because I have now played on seven or eight different correspondence chess sites and it seems that cheats invade every one of them. I wonder if an effective answer can ever be found to deal with these low-lifes. In the meantime, however it is a pleasure and an honour for me to play genuine chess lovers of all levels from so many different corners of the earth.

MorpheusSouth Africa flag
I think a lot has been said about cheating and the use of chess engines to enhance your rating. I myself have come accross numerous cheaters on various sites throughout the Internet including QA.

The sad reality is that there is very little one can do to curb the use of engines because it is not always possible to make 100% sure that an opponent is using an engine.

However, I have also played some engines before and have defeated them. The use of engines is very similar to playing a game of golf with your mates on a competitive level. It is very easy to take a shot of your game and tell your opponent you made a 4 when in fact you know very well you have played a 5. At the end of the day both golf and chess is a game you play not to impress your opponent or the community but rather to enhance and further your own abilities.

The best thing to do is, as Miguel mentioned to report any suspicious behaviour and let the admins deal with them.You will see that these players with their engines normally do not last very long. You will also encounter way less engine users if you play with established people who have played on a specific site for a number of games.

jcmPhilippines flag
I haven't played a game here in which I suspected my opponent of cheating. (I've been a member since September 2004 :-D ) If there are any there are probably very few.

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