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Bruce Pandolfini in 1980 taught me

delphifireCanada flag
My High School French teacher who was in charge of the Chess Club in grade 10 he gave me a book of Frank Marshal's games and Capablanca's Chess Fundementals.

My Mother bought me a wooden chess set and a book Bobby Fischer's my 60 memorable games I've been playing since 1987.

MrThePlaguePoland flag
When i was about 3 years old i would constantly play with these wooden chess pieces my father had. To keep me from chewing on them he showed me how they moved on the board.

chouiaFrance flag
My dad tought me at the age of....3! :-)

Exactly like MrThePlague, I was constantly "borrowing" the chess pieces of the on-going games my parents were playing. I belong to a family of chessplayers (leisure, not competition), always a game in process on a table, sometimes several...same thing at my grandparent's and cousin's home, so... 8-)

I first beat my father at the age of 8. I entered my school club at the age of 13, and discovered the "real" game there (I mean with the clock, the competition rules, but not the notation).

I continued as a student, and won several "competitions" organized at my ingeneer school, met another special chessplayer there who became my husband a few years later, after graduating...it was more than 25 years ago, we are still married, still playing chess together, we have two children who play chess (one leisure, the other one competition). :-)

3 years ago, I became licensed at the FFE (French Chess Federation : Fédération Française d'Echecs), I am now playing in different 3 teams in my club, and am the captain of the 2 Departmental teams (long and rapid).

I am working hard to become a Federal Arbiter.

Very hooked, I play on FICS and Playchess every day, several hours/day (except on holydays).

Though I play with great pleasure, I do not like very much to study chess : my ratings may be low, but still my spirit is always high ! ;-)

NerdlingAustralia flag
My Father taught me chess when I was 5. Today, 9 years later, I can sometimes win, but they're always tough matches. I'm still very much learning though (I'm only 14).
I was taught to be arbiter by South Australia's best, and I am chief arbiter in many tournaments here...

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