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aknightoutCanada flag
My Dad taught me how to play when in public school. About the only tactic I knew then was the knight fork! I played the odd game in high school in the seventies but never studied the game.

About 4 years ago a co-worker and I were talking about our chess pasts (his was similar) We decided to start playing OTB at lunch. Before you know it we are reading strategy and tactics books on how to play and playing in OTB weekend tournaments, with several third places and one second place between us.

Poor health and other issues have slowed the tournaments but we still play OTB at lunchtime. Amazing how the bosses leave us alone! ;-) Now we both play on QA. 8-)

marple66United Kingdom flag
Self taught and it shows ! Took the game up at the young age of 53, and still struggling ! i presume if that if a person takes thegame up at a young, child's age, then by the time they reach my age, 55, they have a better understanding of the fundamentals and with aeons of experience they are far better of than starting at 53. Roll back the years and let me start again :-)

jaychessSingapore flag
My dad taught me how to play at the age of............5!! 8-)

AuDoSweden flag
I learned from my best friend and from following a tv program with famous chess games.

sakhanPakistan flag
I learned some two and half years ago i am in 20s.It is ususally said about chess that if ur not good in chess in ur early twenties u will never be good(of course we have exceptions)(same about mathematics).Me !!! what question of being strong. Ok i tell u the story of entering this black and white jungle. :-/
At our institute a interdepartmental tourement was announced.While chating this thing came within the concern among my friends there and we noticed that we simply dont have any contribution, i mean our deparment.And the tournemnt is packed by our rival ,computer science magors(we mathematics magor).At that time only one of us know to move the pieces some how it is decided that we need to play for the sake of participation.He taaught us(perhaps we were six at that time) and with in the week we all toghter along with chessmaster2000(my first teacher) worked out the principles.In the tournement four of us got knock out blow at the very first round. i along with him proceeded to second round.I have to face the defending champ there and i caught him in surprise (he took me as granted) but he managed to escape.so this was the story.
Today i am progrossing day by day. I have chessmaster1000 as my only techer as i dont have any club around.
Now to my bed, i have spent my evening my night and played three games i drew (agsnist my friend) and before that lost two againist his uncle (a natioal champ a nice discovery for me).frankly these losts have irriated me. :-O

wishing all of u nice time
best wishes

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