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Topic: Fovorite response to e4?
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jcmPhilippines flag
Any comments about the Sicilian Kan?

voidRomania flag
To e4 i would respond with the popular e5, the Sicilian c5, the French e6, or the Nf6 for Alekhine's Defence. As for the next move... it depends on my opponent.

Any comments about the Sicilian Kan?

I'd go for Kan when playin white but i usually choose the Marshall variation if i'm second to move.

jcmPhilippines flag
How can you go for the Kan while playing white?

voidRomania flag
He he. You got me. I never actually played Kan (intentionally) but I saw someone I know playing on yahoo messenger once. He braged about the sicilian Kan variation which he was playing at that time. He was white and from what i saw he was dominating the board. So I kinda got the impression that the Kan variation is very favourable for white. %-)
I just looked in the Opening Browser and you were right... black decides. Still, I would rather be white. Let's play a kan opening and see what happens next. Would you take the first move?
I'll use the opening browser a bit... :-)

jcmPhilippines flag
He was bragging about the Kan while playing white?
I tried challenging you but you had too many games going. Why don't you send me a challenge? I'm trying to learn this opening so I can make it my main response to 1.e4.

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