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Topic: Fovorite response to e4?
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GambitWizardUnited States flag
Go with Alekhine's Defense, Petrov's Defense, or Sicilian Dragon Variation.

MikeDohertyCanada flag
e5 or e6!!

e5 always tends to be an "open game"

while e6 is slow and solid, always watch out of making your dark bishop(for black) a TERRIBLE piece

I run into that problem sometimes ;-)

MacDonnellBrazil flag
Recently I'm using Acelerated Fianchetto, Dragon

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6

Acelerated fianchetto is very dangerous.... :-)

tewaldUnited States flag
While on the subject...there are so many books on the Sicilian; anybody want to suggest their favorite for a decent (not great) player who doesn't know the Sicilian?

PepatoSpain flag
There i comment the books that i have about the Sicilian:

A rapid introduction:
"Winning With the Sicilian". Taimanov.

My first "serious" study:
Sicilian Defense (Modern Theory of Chess, III). Pachman

A good book in Spanish (i don't know if there is a translation):
Desmontando la Siciliana. Jesús de la Villa

And then a lot of monograph.
Remenber that there are only the books that i know. It is sure that there are too many and very good books more.

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