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Topic: Looking for new all-purpose White opening
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superdadUnited States flag
I'm unhappy with my current selection of openings for White. I've basically got to be fluent in any number of responses to my first move (or two) as White, and so I know a little of everything.
I learned the KIA reasonably well, but am tired of defending against advanced black pawns on White's 3rd-4th rank. Are there other all-purpose openings I've neglected here?

ketchuploverUnited States flag
Do you know your record in the diferent openings? If so I suggest you stick with the one with the highest winning percentage. In the KIA is there some way to exchange those pawns are block their advance?

superdadUnited States flag
I have two issues here, in which my psyche is the main component:
1) The KIA forces me to be patient, or inwardly panicky, about those central pawns. Right now I think of a white opening as being forceful. I *should* like e4, q4 in that order. I guess that means I should like the King's gambit (e4, f4). This also means I must prepare for the Sicilian, and still be prepared for Philador (ran against that several times already), etc.
Working thru my mind, it seems that a universal opening for white == being initially passive. That would mean back to KIA...

robelixBrazil flag
Superdad, I used The Colle system for a while as white, and it is OK. It can get very agressive against average players but a little passive against strong opposition. It is a 1.d4 opening and you can play almost the same moves regardless what Black throws at you. Not very effective agaisnt King's Indian though, with that fianchetoed bishop...Check the link bellow!

tewaldUnited States flag
Superdad, one thing in the KIA is to make sure you play c3 fairly early. If you do this, I don't see how black gets advanced center pawns. On the Q-side, the point is to bottle up black's pawns. I play my own version of the KIA...do you want to play a couple of games as B and W and see how we do? I'm no master, but maybe it would help.

superdadUnited States flag
I'll set up a challenge with you on 2 boards. I've got my challenges set to a low number (keeping my total game count down), and am reluctant to expand it.
I actually take KIA advice from a book:
starting out: king's indian attack, John Emms, Everyman Chess, ISBN 1857443942.
If you still want to play, tell me in this forum and I'll set up the games.

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