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Topic: CampellMarcell is going skyhigh in playing games
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RayDuque3United States flag
I'm also very active here at queenalice but not in games because I had only less than 50 games but I'm very active in forum especially when advertising my name and posting my ballroom dancing. ;-)

Ray Duque III
New York City

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
At the moment, I play on Is your turn against Karen Haffey. This English woman played from 11 March 2002 untill today 25.913 games!
This makes an average of 12.22 finished games each day, six years in a row, can you believe it?

If Marcel continue`s like he did, he would reach, with his average of 9.03 games a day, in the same amount of time, 18.810 games!

But Marcel is going to beat another Queen Alice record very soon.
He needs to finish just 13 games to reach:

. 5000
.. 5000
... 5000
.... 5000
..... 5000
...... 5000 GAMES!!! :-O

Which title should we offer Campbell Marcel?

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

kloosterveen wrote: Which title should we offer Campbell Marcel?

International Maniac. 8-)

(In the nicest possible way. I've played against him in a tournament and he's a great guy.)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Great idea richerby, let`s put chess between it
and Marcel will be the ONLY "International Chess Maniac"
of Queen Alice for many, many more years.
I know Marcel will appreciate this title. ;-)

GambitsharkIceland flag

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