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Topic: Do you speak to your opponents?
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MiltonUnited Kingdom flag
Or if you put it through http://babelfish.altavista.com/ English to Portuguese to Spanish and back to English you could say
"Engaged in recreation no longer ill”


toguintsPhilippines flag
"But, please, only say `good game' if it's actually true!"

For me the only bad game is a "cheated" game :-(O)

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
If a game is decided by one player hanging their queen, the game is not `good'. That said, I have, on occasion, said something like `Good game; shame about the blunder at the end.'

But I think the important thing is that `good game' should actually mean something beyond, `I acknowledge that the game is over and feel the need to say something.'

GeGoBelgium flag
@ toguints:
I think you are completely right. As long as my opponent doesn't cheat it's always a good game ;-)

toguintsPhilippines flag
"thanks for the game" would also be a fine alternative to gg :-) i have used both

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