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Topic: Do you speak to your opponents?
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picklesScotland flag
Interesting train of thought,would you speak to an opponent if you were playing over the board.
I dont know weather you can or cannot speak to an opponent in over the board play.???
What is the etiquette on this.?!

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Over the board, in a formal situation such as a match or tournament, you're not supposed to speak except to offer a draw -- distracting your opponent is forbidden. If I'm going to get a cup of tea or coffee, I'll ask if my opponent would like some. Doing this immediately after my move, I assume it won't cause any disruption and I've never had anyone seem upset that I asked.

In a social setting, where you're playing against somebody you know, obviously, it's up to the two of you.

HERMIONEArgentina flag

Yes, I speak to my opponents but a little conversation :-)

hostis00Italy flag
" !!" 1-0

RayDuque3United States flag
Yes I do speak to my opponent.

Ray Duque III
New york City

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