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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Richerby wrote: At the risk of sounding like a dull, humourless drone, it's Article 12.6 and it actually says,

beco wrote: You are completely right! Mainly at the first part of the sentence! :-D

Well, my chess is enough of a joke that I don't need to make the effort to be funny in my forum posts. ;-)

whitekingsSingapore flag
I go to an Anglican school. When on an excursion to the old school grounds, we visited the old church, where a lady gave us a briefing about how church was like back then.

She asked: "What do you know about my Bishop?"
My reply: "He sits next to the Knight."

flintNorway flag
I won't call it a joke, but I witnessed this amusing incident in a children tournament a few weeks ago:

A boy and a girl was playing, the boy very rapidly and the girl very carefully. They reached an endgame where the boy only had his king left, whereas the girl had both her king and queen. She kept on giving checks, but was unable to trap his king. When she had only a few minutes left (the boy had more than an hour), she realized that she wasn't able force mate, and offered a draw.

But the boy rejected (believing he could win on time), and stated "I want to try a few more moves." What a brave little fellow! :-)

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

"I want to try a few more moves." What a brave little fellow!

I'd call that a gentleman :-D

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
True Story.

One evening I was chatting with a clerk about my luck in a recent chess tournament. When it was time to go the clerk said, "Have a good night." I reply what a kind thing to tell a chess player. I suppose that tomorrow you'll tell me to have a good bishop.

Have you heard that tennis players begin with love.

Well chess players enjoy better positions when they mate. Superior development helps with their better positions. To take full advantage of superior devolopment one might need to make the proper knight moves. Ocassionally a bishop pair can be disadvantagious and more things are passed than pawns. I thought that up when I was 14.

When coaching teenagers playing chess I overheard an actractive girl ask a boy if he wanted to play. His reply, "Yes I want to fork you."

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