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Topic: Chess jokes
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luongo_00001Canada flag
salt sakers dont look like nights

GilBouvet Island flag
The salt might be a lame horse. %-) :-D

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Chess Grandmaster Alexander Alekhine was once asked
by a playful interviewer, whether he prefered
the queen on the board or on the bed.
"It depends" he replied "on the position"

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
A chess Master died.
After a few days, a friend heard a voice,
it was him!
"What is it like, where you are now?" he asked.
"What do you want to hear first,
the good news or the bad news?"
"Tell me the good news first."
"Well, it is really heaven here.
There are tournaments and blitz sessions going on all the time!
Morphy, Alekhine, Lasker, Tal, Botvinnik, Fischer,
They are all here, and you can play them."
the friend said, "and what is the bad news?"
"You have got black against Capablanca this saturday!"

RayDuque3United States flag
Peter and Paul were good friends. They were wondering if there is a chess game in heaven. One day they agreed that whoever will die first will visit again to tell if there is a chess game in heaven. When Peter died, he came back to visit and tell Paul about a chess game in heaven.

Paul: Are you there Peter?
Peter: Yes, I'm here Paul.
Paul: Is there chess in heaven?
Peter: Yes Paul, There is chess heaven. I'm always playing with all the Grandmaster there. And we are playing chess again tomorrow and... YOU ARE PLAYING WITH US AS EARLY AS TOMORROW MORNING.

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