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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
Gostei ! rs

É exatamente assim que penso, prefiro apanhar e perder do que apelar pro cérebro eletrônico, que na verdade nem sabe jogar, só tem uma memória de lances enormes e incrível rapidez para consultá-la,rs.

No Xadrez tem que ter certa emoção, aquela emoção do lance desconhecido, de arriscar, de não ter certeza se vai dar certo, de fazer um lance inesperado que a máquina não faria de jeito nenhum. É este o Xadrez que eu gosto, o da emoção, do risco, da incerteza, desta forma, surgem muitas partidas lindas.

Há que haver beleza no Xadrez também.

A máquina por vezes é eficiente, mas mecanica e fria e isto estraga tudo.

Por sermos humanos, e suscetíveis ao erro, é que há emoção no Xadrez. Por vezes também produzimos lances incríveis, dotados de incrível intuição e emoção.

A maquina não faz isto. ;-)

PhilidorUnited States flag
See? People are here for the love of the game and don't mind what they are rated. Of course their are people who play with engines and that should'nt be legal but even in professional tournaments people find way's of cheating unfortunately. And another reason why people waste their time playing by mail is because you have more time to assess a position and memorize alot of positions at once, helping your official tournament play's as well. And if you make mistakes here and see them via a chess engine you are less apt to make the same mistakes in official tournament play. Plus is good practice here you can see which lines of the Queens Indian are sound, and not so sound for example. Don't forget that even machines have their weaknesses (IE: blindly grab space and ignore certain positional nuances) and is better to play without a chess engine anyways as the charicter of the game will be improved. Just remember: Look for tactic's first (from the opponent and yourself) and then at positional considerations. Keep coordinated pieces and control of key lines. And never exchange a fianchettoed bishop unless you have a good reason to.

DesafianteBrazil flag
I have Rybka 2.3.2 and I bet that if I worked out in a nice opening book for it, I would easily be above 2300.

Chessmaster is a very weak chess program. And this bad openings also happen because CM is already too old. CM's weakest point os positional play. It sucks.

PhilidorUnited States flag
"Hi Philidor,
Very good considerations and great advices. The computers has fragilities and I already had opportunity of proving this. I have the "Chessmaster". Is not one of the best programs, but it is a good program. The program opens their games in an aleatory way and, sometimes, their openings are overtaken lines. Not rare times that I win."

Lol! I have Chessmaster 10th Edition and that one sucks too! It's like it's opening book is weak and even the learning tutorials fall short.

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
LOL... I've learned basic chess concepts from Chessmaster 10th edition:) Maye that's why I'm so low rated :)

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