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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
The Chessmaster is programed to make bad moves. It´s a program for fun. Your engine: "The King" is a good engine,but is a good program for entertainement. I like so much Chessmaster 10th. Good graphics, good tutorials. It´s a comercial programs for chess. Your personalities is programed to lose the game. It´s for fun. ;-)

PhilidorUnited States flag
"LOL... I've learned basic chess concepts from Chessmaster 10th edition:) Maye that's why I'm so low rated :)"

You still have alot of other basic to learn that the program fails to cover such as coordination, line clearence, positional sacrifices, importance of squares (for example they fail to cover the importance of the e4 square in the Queens Indian defense) Your better off going with Jacob Aagards or Silmans stuff with regard to learning chess, Modern Chess Strategy, basic positional ideas, Improve your positional chess, How to become a deadly chess tactician, Fritz Technique trainer, and/or Renko's tactics two (I don't have one yet)would serve you much better for learning then chessmaster would, as for engines Deep Shredder 9 has been a great asset to me, beware however as it's minimum rating in rated games is 1950 ELO and unleashed! is 3300 ELO (if a bit exaggerated lol!), but you can download up to date chessgames from various databases on the internet, or better yet you can get Fritz 10/Shredder 10/ or any 10, but your still better off updating your database collection every now and then. Find a particular player to study, and study alot of they're games. You'll learn alot of what they know and would help you plan better at the board.

PhilidorUnited States flag
"The Chessmaster is programed to make bad moves. It´s a program for fun. Your engine: "The King" is a good engine,but is a good program for entertainement. I like so much Chessmaster 10th. Good graphics, good tutorials. It´s a comercial programs for chess. Your personalities is programed to lose the game. It´s for fun."

On the lower personalities it's programed to make mistakes, however at it's strongest level it's supposed to be at it's best, and I question it's self-rating of 2740 (to be fair I also question Deep Shredder 9's 3300 blitz rating :D) it has hardly any understanding of alot of concepts and will generally over extend itself and make senseless moves.

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
when I said I've learned basic concepts form Chessmasters, I meant from tutorials and annotated games. I used to play in till I find out I can play real people on internet, and have much more fun:)
Now I almost never play engines, I used them to analyse my games (I got CM and fritz 9, but mostly use fritz 9). I know I have much more to learn... but I already learned a lot. When I see now my games played here they look funny. they were played more than 6 months ago (maybe even more than 9), except last one. And now it's about a year since I've started learning. I use chess tactics server, CARt, dvoretsky endgame manual , and some video lessons I have ...I also have megadatabase 2007... but I think chessmaster was excelent for start. I find annotated games (especially in video form) best way for learning new ideas.

Find a particular player to study, and study alot of they're games. You'll learn alot of what they know and would help you plan better at the board.

why is finding particular player so important? I've heard this suggestion on several places, so could you explain me more in depth? :)

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
If you like any player, you can learn with your games. I love Morphy and actually i like Anand. And Kasparov and Fisher too. You can to mirror your styles and absorve your tatics and strategies.

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