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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
heheh.. I tried answering 1.e4 with 1...e5 but found that there is too much to memorize :)) so I switched to sicilian :))) maybe that works because of my level, and fact that I mostly play people at similar level :)
Anyway ... thank you all, very much for advices :)

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Philidor wrote: Of course :D Enter the games into a computer and if your studying for white and it "gives advantage to black" (think plus under minus sign, plus under equal sign means white will have to fight harder to draw provided both sides played the best moves).

In this case, the smiley means, ``This is spectacularly bad advice and I know it.'' ;-)

GileCAR wrote: I tried answering 1.e4 with 1...e5 but found that there is too much to memorize :)) so I switched to sicilian

Same again -- there's much more memorization in the Sicilian than in the 1.e4 e5 systems. In the Sicilian, plausible-looking moves often lead to disaster.

PhilidorUnited States flag
Philidor wrote: Of course :D Enter the games into a computer and if your studying for white and it "gives advantage to black" (think plus under minus sign, plus under equal sign means white will have to fight harder to draw provided both sides played the best moves).

In this case, the smiley means, ``This is spectacularly bad advice and I know it.''

Damn I forgot to finish my sentance! I meant that white shouldnt be afraid of giving black a small advantage as these positions tend to be the same if it is = or white with slight advantage, remember that Bobby Fischer of all people lost to a Latvian Gambit of all openings before! What I try to say is play openings you like so long as black (if you are white) doesnt get a clear advantage or if white (if your black) doesnt get a clear advantage, so no Damiano defenses! Latvians... eh... not so much so, Center Counters are allright, though I wouldnt play it for stylistic reasons, sicilians great, just understand positions before playing, tigermoderns great, just keep it roughly equal, King Gambit's great, Steinitz gambit is good in spite of blocked lines for queen and bishop and no castling, and Bishop gambit is also great, but black I think is better not to accept the pawn as whites initiative and blacks overextention lead to a slightly better endgame for white in spite of a pawn down,

and don't be afraid to grab that clear advantage if your opponent doesnt know the opening.

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