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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

I think the strongest players here will make a lot of moves the computers will agree with, but not because they're cheating, it's just tat when you have enough time at your disposal (like a week per move), it's more likely you'll find the strongest move.

Also, I don't think you should worry too much, the main thing for you is that you play and improve, right? ;-)

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
yes, yes... in really, is this site, i play like blitz, i don´t think much time... i don´t have much patience... :-D yes, the main thing for me is play and with the time improve my chess.

hugs 8-)

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
Now I'm confused... are GAMES databases allowed or not? Can I use mega database 2007 or not?

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
yes, you can use. i don´t use, i prefer to think to myself. to use only my brain and this way prepare to real games on the real table. :-)

study for me is separated of the games. 8-)

CremildoBrazil flag
Let's face it. It's not hard to see when is an engine and when is a human. Above 2100 will beat me 95%, easily. But it's easy to give them a payback in the future: download your PGNs, analyse your games, and study! I am reading General Treatise of Chess, by Roberto Grau. I will only think about reach a better ranking after a lot of books and exercises. There are thousands of exercises around the internet

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