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jimwilsonCanada flag
Here is my problem. Some 20 years ago I took up the game of chess and immediately fell in love with the game. But as in everything else in life that I tried to excell at I kept falling short because of my poor memory. I won't matter how long or hard I tried in my studies I just don't seem to be able to retain any amount of information for a long period of time. Because of this some 18 years ago I gave up the game that I love more than anything due to fustration at not being able to correct this problem. I guess the point that I am trying to make is that after a year and a half back at this ( Thanks to my son Ryan) I have once again reached the point of fustration that prompted me to quit some 18 years ago so if anybody out there has any tangible advise on what I can do to somehow correct this problem I would be very appreciative. Thank-you

OnceuponEngland flag
Firstly, calm down :-)

Then, try to explain exactly what the problem is. What kind of information is it you fail to remember and how do you believe this is affecting your game...?

MikeDohertyCanada flag
I play because I love to play Jim, when a person plays for anything else, there is no point :-)

MikeDohertyCanada flag
forget about memorizing long vartiations, understanding patterns of attack are what really matter Jim

jimwilsonCanada flag
I don't try and memorize long variations but I do try and pick a few openings that appeal to me and study the basic and uncomplicated lines that will get me into the middle game without any majjor disaters. I try and understand the themes behind these lines so that I'm not just blindly moving pieces. I also at different times have studied various mating patterns and end games. Again nothing to complicated but I find if I don't use what I have studied on a regular basis I will forget it and have to start from square one again and this is what is fustrating Mike I do play chess because I find it exciting and challanging but on the other hand I'm extremely competitive at whatever I pursue but it does get to you some time when you put long hours into trying to immprove your game and you always seem to keep hitting the same brick wall because you can't seem to retain information for a long period or time that;s all.

ketchuploverUnited States flag
I have a poor memory too. Just do your best :-D

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