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Topic: Players who do not Resign!
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RuttyUnited Kingdom flag
Why do some players, WHO HAVE NO INTENTION of playing anymore moves, do the honourable thing, and resign. I have played numerous people who have let their time expire. Do they think that this is a better way of losing! In the meantime they are preventing me from playing more games!

redrumAustralia flag
Ditto Rutty..! I just had that happen to me. I checked his rating & it remained the same! It looks like if you let your time run out you don't loose rating points here!

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Rutty wrote: Why do some players, WHO HAVE NO INTENTION of playing anymore moves, do the honourable thing, and resign.

Annoying, isn't it? And very immature. I can understand that, in a blitz game, somebody might be so angry at a mistake that they stop moving and lose on time a couple of minutes later. But for somebody to let the clock run down for a whole week, rather than do the honourable thing and resign, shows that they're, frankly, an asshole.

redrum wrote: I just had that happen to me. I checked his rating & it remained the same! It looks like if you let your time run out you don't loose rating points here!

Rating changes are determined only by the result of the game (win/loss/draw) and the difference between the players' ratings. It doesn't matter whether the win is by checkmate, resignation or time forfeit, or whether the draw is by agreement, stalemate, repetition, fifty moves or a dead position being reached.

The reason that your opponent's rating didn't change when he did this is that a player with an established rating can never lose rating points in a game against a provisionally-rated player, as you currently are. This is because provisionally-rated players are often much stronger than their rating suggests and it wouldn't really be fair to `fine' somebody for losing against an 1800 player who'll be rated 2100 in a couple of months.

You could have found this out for yourself by looking up the notes on the site's rating system on the about page.

rubenovColombia flag
not only that... i also get draw offers on every move on a completely lost game for the oponent after almost exactly a week for move... i guess they are hoping that the "accept draw offer" is accidentaly clicked...

paladinGermany flag

shows that they're, frankly, an asshole.

There will always be players not resigning their game even if being in a hopeless and lost position. You'll meet them until the cows come home or the day hell freezes over. I am a rather high rated CC-player (ICCF) and stumble across them all the time even across those whose rating is beyond the 2400. But calling any player or opponent an asshole is part ot that kind of rude language which should be immediately admonished by moderators or the admin and owner himself if there are no moderators. Until now I appreciated the way the users of that forum respectfully interacted and I have to admit that this site is rather friendly and congenial. It's made by someone knowing perfectly well how to configure an inviting private chess site. So plz richerbie don't call this positive impression into question by using terms like "asshole".

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

paladin wrote: There will always be players not resigning their game even if being in a hopeless and lost position.

We're not talking about players who play on until checkmate; we're talking about players who deliberately let their clock run down and lose on time, instead of resigning.

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