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Topic: Players who do not Resign!
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I forgot to mention to richerby that I did J'adoube a position one time. My opponent kept sending me ambiguous/impossible moves. I’d send him a post card with a diagram and he’d be OK for a few moves then get messed up again. I finally got tired of it so sent him a diagram with an altered position where I’d set him up for a mate. He never knew the difference. I still feel a little bad about it especially since the guy was a preacher.

paladinGermany flag
LOL...cheating a preacher man. Love this one:-)

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag

not only that... i also get draw offers on every move on a completely lost game for the oponent after almost exactly a week for move... i guess they are hoping that the "accept draw offer" is accidentaly clicked...

Funny to read this having just declined a draw in a game that'll be mate in two .... :-(

Keeper_of_dragonsUnited States flag
Letting the clock run is silly but some do it so they can claim they have only "lost due to time" or "I've never been checkmated" as if that is somehow better. I just accept the win however it comes.

I have been known to play on in "unwinnable" games especially if the opponent is low rated as they may make a mistake. Won a few games that way in high school chess club.

RayDuque3United States flag
There are waiting for stalemate if they are losing the game.

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