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Topic: Players who do not Resign!
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AstrellapUnited States flag
Being fairly new to the site, I can't condemn or condone any action. I only knoe that this site gives anyone who enjoys the game a chance to play at their convienence. The first time out I encountered threw me. My opponent had not yet made 10 moves. I sent reminders twice and a message. While I felt like I was stealing the game when I claimed it, I am now glad I did. I am playing for the game. Funny how someone loses for time, and starts another game. Then loses it for time. Check their games and see for yourself.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I frequently see complaints about opponents who will not resign in obviously lost positions and opponents who, once they are losing, slow down to the pace of a snail. The questions always are how to handle the situation. So, here are my thoughts.

No matter how irritating it is, slow movers in lost positions are exercising their right to take as much time as the time limit allows. The current US CC champ, Edward Duliba, says you should do this in ALL games. His reasoning is that it annoys and frustrates some opponents and increases the likelihood they will get impatient and blunder. If they are playing within the rules there is no room for complaint no matter how frustrating it might be.

Also remember, your opponent my not realize he is dead lost and that is why he is continuing to play. This is especially true if he is not very highly rated.

That said, if you know you're lost and these's little/no hope of salvaging the game etiquette says you should congratualte your opponent and resign. On occasion I've made a fool out of myself with my bad play and personally I'm not going to compound it by continuing just to annoy my opponent.

RayDuque3United States flag
I agree with Odie_Spud and as I said before they are looking for a stalemate or blunder game.

Ray Duque III
New York City

razomanPhilippines flag
Just play on and promote all your pawns to queens then deliver the death blow.

tehanIndia flag
Great idea Razoman. :-(O)

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