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Topic: Players who do not Resign!
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Must be lots of players here who can read minds over the internet. I am impressed

OnceuponEngland flag
You're all fired!

Which means you no longer have the option to resign :-P

OnceuponEngland flag
Off topic %-)


RayDuque3United States flag

To Ray's point, I was in a winning game winding things up. In my haste I moved my queen unpprotected next to opponents king, checking him. i was sick to my stomach when i realixed what I had done and frantically tried to reverse the move. of course this was not possible and I resigned myself tomy fate. To my utter amazement my opponent moved his king out of check!! My move ws so bad it caught my opponent by surprise.

My rule is to resign a lost game against a highly rated apponent as the chance of error is slim, but hang against a weaker opponent, beause I have seen some strange moves out there.

I agree with you that a losing game should resigned but as I said before They are hoping of a stalemate or your blunder move. If that happens it's better to have a draw than to lost the game.


Ray Duque III
New York City

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I wish there was a list of players who dont resign. I am starting a list for myself. If a player persists in an unreasonable position I put him on my list. I wont play him again unless he agrees to resign when down by 5 or more points.

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