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Topic: Something that annoys me!
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
No offence Doran, but that did cross my mind when we played.

As to my bete noir, he did let his clock run out one more time, and the game finally finished over the weekend. So now we are on to round two!


ClivetheBeardWales flag
Aha ... I will have some thoughts on this matter very shortly! :-O

ClivetheBeardWales flag
It's not so much that I intend to take up this guys tactics, but I am a little bit more sympathetic to his situation.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Winning a very won position at a rate of one move every three days or so is a drag, yes. I've only been a month at this club, much enjoying it too. But I already find myself much preferring 10d/a and 1 or 3d/m games. It brings back some of the excitement that chess can also be (and three grievous losses and one fight-for-my-life endgame!)

I can recommend davidg and Philvd as good players for a quick bout. Avenge me while you're at it!


ClivetheBeardWales flag
Good points.

I just think the 7 day thing is there as a maximum and a reserve if you are genuinely called away to a place where there are no computers (or if you have a disaster in your life).

A few people can genuinely only play once or twice a week and I can accept that too. But the guy concerned in my original post was/is a pain. His opponent was a "gent" and even let him restart the game the first time he ran his clock down! %-)

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