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Topic: Something that annoys me!
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
Having said that the guy is pleasant enough and I can tell that he likes to play sharp, theoretical lines and so my 'home-made' openings get sent to the back of the queue. :^-(

ClivetheBeardWales flag
It's not really the kind of gamesmanship that the other guy was practicing ... so there!

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
It is possible to minipulate your rating by timing your losses. Suppose your playing strength is 1800 and you want to play in a tournament that requires a 1900 rating. If you take 6d per move in the games you a going to lose you can delay the loss for months. Meanwhile you go on a 10-0 spree (your post poning all your losing efforts) your rating will inflate by 100 points.

Similarly you can deflate your rating. Suppose you have 10 slow games you are going to lose. Your rating is artificially high becuase you have had several wins in a row while storing you losing positions. Next you play 20 10d/a games. 20 results at your true strength will bring your rating back to your true strength. Finally you resign all 10 games at the same time. Your rating will be 200 points below your playing strength.

In both scenarios you dont throw any games.

Does anyone know of any exaamples of minipulating ones rating by timing ones losses

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Also, resigning to a provisional player prior early to avoid them getting to 25 games (when it would affect your rating)

jcmPhilippines flag
Say one of your opponents has quit the site and run out of time and you have another game with a different opponent. You delay taking the win in the first game to maximize/minimize your rating gain/loss. But isn't this all OT?
Anyway, when I am losing I find myself taking more time, not playing mind-games, just trying harder to find the best move.

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