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Topic: Something that annoys me!
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
And of course you could simply get ill. Guess that comes under 'disasters'. Good health everybody!

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Hel - lo - Clive - comma

A - place - with - no - com - pu - ters. Not - an - a - mu - sing - pro - spect. How - shall - we - be - a - ble - to - re - cieve - our - in - struc - tions - then - in - toned - as - ques - tion

How - ever - colon - clai - ming - down - time when - in - or - ga - nis - mal - re - pair - phase - colon - sound - i - de - a - for - fra - gile - bio - forms - ex - cla - ma - tion - point

Vi - gi - lance - is - po - wer

F4u - Qu1 - n377 - e.

ClivetheBeardWales flag

ClivetheBeardWales flag
:-D :-D

OnceuponEngland flag

I just think the 7 day thing is there as a maximum...

Correspondence chess has historically been far slower than this but the Internet has spawned a generation of people who want everything to happen immediately.

A single game could last many years. Playing fifty in a month is more like speed chess.

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