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Topic: Something that annoys me!
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
I agree. And I probably won't be signing up for tournaments in the future; just the challenge and open games where you can choose faster timings.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
And going back to the original subject of the post; the guy concerned is here nearly every day and can play fast if he wants too! ?:-(

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Oi Clive,

Well, you can threaten the man. Offer a draw on every move. Eyeball him. Announce mate in five. But otherwise, those are the breaks of correspondence chess. Just tell him you set your alarm to the very minute he runs out of time for the next move.

But I must say, I also tend to think longer and wait longer if the battle is going against me. My dreams might turn up a great combination, after all. And several nights left to dream dreams in.

So that's why there is a lot to say for games on a strict timer. Brings the excitement back into chess.

If in doubt, in with the nut and then with the boot, Fauq.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
Actually it's all long gone now ... a few weeks anyway ... and the real problem was that I had no control over the game coz I wasn't even playing!

ClivetheBeardWales flag
In another slow game though I am playing, but it isn't my fault. There are two games left in Round 1 of the tournament and while our rivals have managed 54 moves, me and my opponent have only managed 24! Grrr ...

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