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Topic: What should this endgame position be called?
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
Is it a legal position?

OnceuponEngland flag
Legal if not sensible :-P

Also, I don't think it matters whether Black just moved his King or a Pawn. White has helped to trap himself and so it wouldn't count as "forced".

SirKnightNew Zealand flag
Evjen,have you read the rules of chess under the help column?

edvzCanada flag
If it is White's move, it is stalemate.

If Black's move, the problem is "Black to stalemate in 1 move", as the winning attempt gxh2 loses.

Can anyone think of a "...to stalemate in 2 moves" problem?

EvjenUnited States flag
"Evjen, have you read the rules of chess under the help column?"

Looking through them, I noticed the following which is what I suppose you wanted me to see:
If a King is not in check, *but that player can make no legal move*, the position is called a stalemate and the game is scored as a draw, or tie."

I never realized anyone defined stalemate that way. I always thought of it as being defined as the following:
"Chess. a position of the pieces in which a player cannot move any piece except the king and cannot move the king without putting it in check." http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/stalemate

Their are several dictionary sites that use the above definition, and other sites that use the Queen Alice definition.
I think the dictionary definitions make more sense than the others.

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