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Topic: What should this endgame position be called?
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seigneurCanada flag

Anyone who is inventing something new (...)

I tried to invent old things, but it never worked. :-/

"Of coarse"??


OnceuponEngland flag

Consider that it took about 200 years for England to change their ridiculous rule that stalemate counted as a loss!

Hardly ridiculous. At least we understood the concept of stalemate, as the ruling punished the player who, through sheer carelessness, failed to deliver checkmate :-P

And please, please leave any ideas for chess modification to the experts.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
@Once: But where do you think to find experts on a forum like this one?

@seigneur: Give the young man some slack, will you?

@Evjen: I do not much agree with your reform of stalemate, as I see the administration of checkmate to be the sole responsibility of the side that should have won by all rights. However, I would like to encourage you to keep conceiving a new, though similar game with different rules. Point being, on a forum dedicated to standard chess, you will get mainly flak for your efforts. That is why I suggested to try to find a company that is willing to take the risk of marketing a new, if dissimilar game, once you have worked out and playtested any new rules that you are suggesting. PKC chess sounds interesting, but it may well get dumped on by those who invested enough trouble to get their own under the current rules. Get some sympathetic souls together and see what you can come up with, that's what I say!


OnceuponEngland flag

But where do you think to find experts on a forum like this one?

I don't, particularly.

That is why I suggested to try to find a company that is willing to take the risk of marketing a new...game...

Do you know how many chess variants there are? Do you know how many of them are available to buy?

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Show me the money and I will invent lots of variants

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