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Topic: What should this endgame position be called?
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OnceuponEngland flag
I'm now convinced. You really are a nut.

EvjenUnited States flag

I'm now convinced. You really are a nut.

Do you call people names when you cannot refute their logic? :-P

OnceuponEngland flag

Do you call people names when you cannot refute their logic?

Sure. And especially when I can :-P

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Ho, gentlemen!
Let us maintain politeness. Evyen has launched a lot of ideas on reforms of the rules of chess as it exists.

That will obviously draw a lot of flak from people who have spent much time getting halfway good at a game that gets complicated enough as it already is.

I have been considering what I would do if I were Evjen. My strongest notion would be to not offer the new rules up bit by bit on a chess forum. More likely the game Evyen suggests deserves a whole life for itself. But not as a new chess, rather an alternative one.

If E. will keep on posting his ideas as a way to gather the rare kindred spirit, but more specifically, finds a game company that will support putting out a Whole New Board Game, he might come up with something we'd all gladly play. Nobody is forcing us to suddenly play chess Evyen style. Then again, it might become the new hip thing to do, eventually?


OnceuponEngland flag
He's hardly qualified to suggest a chess variant, since he continually fails to spot his own errors in the process.

And he's certainly not qualified to suggest alterations to the real game.

Sounds like you're going soft on him. Boo! >:-(

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