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Topic: What should this endgame position be called?
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edvzCanada flag
pinned pieces that can move are another reason why the "dictionary definition" is wrong

scaramoucheUnited States flag
I like Evjen's idea. Probably would never fly, but when you think about it, let's say you're playing black, and you're playing a heck of a game against Bobby Fischer. He's playing white, and he already has the advantage of automatically winning a half a game. On top of that, he's Bobby Fischer. You pull out the trapmate (I like that name), and you'd be jumping up and down, just glad you survived. That's not a draw. That's survival. That would be worth three-quarters of game to me. Just for morale's sake.

the_knifeFrance flag
Can someone explain me how the white pieces have reached their final destinations. This position must be illegal.

OnceuponEngland flag

This position must be illegal.


audrey1552United States flag
Perhaps the word "impossible" would apply instead of "illegal".

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