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Topic: Vacation
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redrumAustralia flag
How much vacation can you take here? I just had a guy come off vacation make his move and go back on vacation! :-O

seigneurCanada flag
45 days per year, where a year is counted from your account anniversary.

redrumAustralia flag
Thanks! Guess I will resign both games with him when he comes back off vacation. I want to play active chess! :-(

tewaldUnited States flag
Just play a couple of others and ignore him. When he comes back you can play another move before he goes back on vacation. :-(O)

OnceuponEngland flag

I want to play active chess! :-(

Then you're playing on the wrong server. This is correspondence chess, the slowest form known to man. It's the absolute opposite of RRC (Rapid Rapidly Chess - which makes Blitz look like a turtles' tea party).

As they all say on the Internet: Hope this helps :-)

seigneurCanada flag
Rapid rapidly chess... I'd forgotten about that.

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