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OnceuponEngland flag

I think electronic cigarettes have been banned in Australia and here in the US.

The United States' FDA (Food and Drug Administration) tried and failed to get them banned.

RaethUnited States flag
You need to be prepared for certain things:

1) You will always remember having smoked and what it feels like.

2) You will always understand that it can be a form of stress relief.

3) When you stop smoking you will eat more to compensate for the mild cravings.

4) You just ride it out and in three weeks those cravings will go away and you will be over "the hump".

5) You have to psychologically resolve not to smoke; focus on the reason you want to stop and believe in it and you will never have to smoke again.

Now that I've read the entire thread it seems you have dealt with the physical cravings and stress during the first 3 weeks successfully with the e-cig. It sounds like you might still have the psychological addiction however.

I would think you are in a good postion though, because you can easily go cold turkey from the e-cig and only use it as a backup, which is whey better than actually smoking. :)

OnceuponEngland flag
Yes, Raeth, I stopped smoking with ease four months ago thanks to the electronic cigarette. And so non of what you said applies at all.

I've forgotten about smoking because I can happily "e-smoke" now. All the satisfaction I had before is reproduced and I do not eat more. I don't miss smoking in the slightest. Good riddance to it. I actually prefer vaping.

One study found:

For the average smoker, smoking for just one more month poses a greater health risk than a lifetime of using the new electronic cigarettes.

RaethUnited States flag
That is pretty amazing actually. Do you even want to stop smoking with the e-cig?

OnceuponEngland flag
Your question is nonsense, Raeth, and so I shan't answer it.

I will say that vaping is about as harmful as drinking coffee.

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