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RaethUnited States flag
Sorry but you must buy wat I'm selling, which is why I asked: YOu are spending money for the e-cig and you are hooked -- don't you want to be fully free? :-P

OnceuponEngland flag
You sell personal vaporizers? I'm confused, since you appear to be questioning my enjoyment of them.

I have no wish to stop vaping. Coffee, travelling, going down the pub, skinless and boneless tinned salmon. All these things cost money. Why give them up? I'll only live once.

Anyway, these devices have been around for roughly six years now and there hasn't been a single reported incident of harm caused by them.

RaethUnited States flag
Wow. That is quite a testimonial. Its really amazing actually; for you this IS smoking! :-O

RaethUnited States flag
Although you may consider it dumb, a more accurate term would be dumfounded. %-)

You are evidence of a new phenomenon actually.

OnceuponEngland flag
Well, it won't stay new if our government bans it. They want us to smoke.

Why? Simple. The pharmaceutical industry makes a lot of money from smokers who desperately want to quit. And they don't want those smokers to actually quit because then the money stops piling in.

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