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Topic: Do you speak to your opponents?
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mustangmikeUnited Kingdom flag
Who speaks to their opponents? I will if they've made a particularly good move or do something ingenious I failed to spot. Why not? Good moves should be recognised I think.
I often send a message along with a resignation (been happening too often lately) offering a 'well done' to my opponent.

I seldom get a reply though. OK you won - but a little humility goes a long way.

It's a game after all ... :-D

NerdlingAustralia flag
I always try and initiate some form of conversation, although I have found that a lot of players here don't speak english (not that it's a problem)...

mustangmikeUnited Kingdom flag
I have even gone to babalfish and translated my comments into Portuguese (or whatever language my opponent speaks).

Would be nice sometimes to get recognition of that but the interent is a faceless thing!

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Maybe you're not getting the recognition you deserve because, unbeknownst to you, Babelfish is translating your comments into insults about your opponent's grandmother. ;-)

becoBrazil flag

tewaldUnited States flag
I frequently make comments. That's a big part of what I enjoy here.

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