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Topic: Contra o uso de engines (no engines)
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rictadBrazil flag
I agree with taz. Trust that people follow that rule.
And look:

i think that much people on this site win using software of any kind or databases...

But remember:

However, you may use computers for record keeping. It is also allowed to consult chess books and opening databases.

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
:-/ :^-(

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
I had the courage to say what I think... that each one believe in what wanting... :-(

Marcelo_AraujoBrazil flag
Certain time a friend mine said me:"if you no want to play against computers does not play postal chess..." ;-) :-D

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Computers are allowed in top-level postal chess tournaments because there's no way to stop their use. Computers are not allowed here because, although there's no way to stop them being used, there's very little at stake so there's no stong incentive to use one.

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