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Topic: please comment on 50 game rule
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doranUnited States flag
I dont like the 50 game rule, but I understand it. Hence maybe the discussion belongs here. I asked an opponent to resign becuase I was up a piece and I needed to get my in progress count below 50. He complied. But just becuase I knew how to win the position does not mean that he would not benifit from completing the game. He is a few hundred points below me in rating. I have read that the 50 game rule was created becuase someone was resigning too early. Ironically it promotes premature resignation

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
To summarize my comments elsewhere,

1) I think fifty games is too few: there are lots of players with between fifty and a hundred games who seem to be perfectly legitimate and whose play isn't suffering too badly because of the number of games. If a limit on the number of games[*] must be introduced, it should be at least 100.

2) The measure was introduced to deal with a player who would resign any game against players rated over 1900. But it doesn't help to achieve this goal; indeed, it encourages players to resign games so they can start a new tournament.

[*] Yes, I know it's not a limit on the number of games; it's a limit on the number of games for people who want to join new tournaments.

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
Asking someone in lost position to resign is rude (but sometimes I also can help it) :)
Since there is so much noise about that 50 games rule, and I don't know are there lots of you makeing noise, or just a few very loud people , maybe it sould become 100 games rule :)

doranUnited States flag
more noise please

I think that it can be rude to not resign (see postings initiated by kirkland) However, it was not unreasonable for my opponent to play on giving his rating. Unfortunately he resigned both of our games. The other game was close. As for it being rude to ask someone to resign, the fifty game rule promotes rudeness. If I can't enter a tournament becuase an opponent continues in a hopeless position I have just cuase to request a resignation. Im still trying to figure out why so many players on the site continue in hopeless positions. At first I wondered if they where hoping that I might die and they could win on time, but they play fast. I was not upset about their reluctance to resign until the 50 game rule.

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
There are many bigginer on the site ... scholastic players ... and they probably hope for some obvious blunder (as one is sure to make in live game). I think that is why they don't resign.
But in corespondence I double check every my move for an obvious blunder :)
And people do blunder terribly here... In one of my recent games, I won a queen in 4 moves against player who is just 100 point's lower rated than me on FICS ...

doranUnited States flag
I fail too see the value in winning a game here due to a blunder. It seems more interesting and rewarding to start a fresh game.

I think a number indicating ones approach to resigning would be helpful. I should be able to avoid (except in tournaments) players whoe never resign. Some players enjoy checkmating the opponent. They could seek out the never resign players.

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