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Topic: Players who do not Resign!
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One of my opponents told me off for resigning prior to mate, another of my opponents has resigned when the game is relatively even...

Resignation is just a personal preference.

Speaking as the player who resigned the relatively even game...

My rating at the time of joining the tournament (1328) should speak volumes. I simply could not see how to proceed, especially against a player rated into the 1900s.

Also, given the limited time that I have for chess I choose to resign if and when I reach that point in a game.

I'm content to do so and I hope that my opponents accept the win :-)



hildanknightSingapore flag
Nobody ever won a game by resigning. Masters, when playing other masters, resign early and often because once one player is a couple of pawns up or has an overwhelming positional advantage, winning is a matter of technique. For players like us, converting large advantages to wins is rarely that simple.

Deciding never to resign has saved me countless points. Opponents with ratings as high as 2000 have blundered away their material advantages or into checkmate. I have saved several hopelessly lost games by tricking the opponent into stalemating me. There were also instances of opponents timing out or resigning when they had a mate in one!

On another turn-based chess site, I once played on in lost positions, taking as long as I can to move, because I was on a winning streak (of at least 15 games!) and wanted to extend it for as long as possible.

OnceuponEngland flag
That comes down to personal integrity.

There are players who believe their lost positions deserve nothing less than submission, otherwise they would have fought well enough to have earned something better. And there are those who will try not to lose at any cost, even their own conscience.

Having said that, chess is war...

gomonkeyCanada flag
part of good chess play is to also know when you've been beat.i'm playing this joker that totaly does'nt understand this.i have three major peaces and two pawns,to his one king.he just keeps moving it around .i politly asked him to resign and start anew game.HE CALLED ME A WINER.i said no i don't drink wine or make wine.he just holds on to his candybox like some one is going to take it away.richerby said it best.it's immiture.instead of keeping it freandly and playing another game,i dont ever want to hear from him again.i don't have any one on my ignore list but this19 year old child will be on it

giving up is a good option sometimes if u just can´t win. I believe resign is good if u are sure of your loss. But also don´t answering the game doesn´t mean he surrender always, it means his internet access is lost or he went on vacations and forgot to play or he died, i don´t know. Just don´t blame cowards or smart players.

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