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Topic: How to check chess games for computer use?
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RayDuque3United States flag

When a player uses a computer the computer is playing he is not. He is simply an interface between his computer and his computer's opponent. The time spent seems like a waste to me.

But we are now playing chess and talking in the computer. Internet is a computer. So, it's a waste of time for you? ;-)

Ray Duque III
New York City

edvzCanada flag
The good paying sites, like the ICC, use computer detection methods. You can read about them on Wikipedia.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
As far as I know ICC can only detect a computer if the program is running on the same machine that you login on. Can they deduce cheating if the cheater is using a chess computer that is not connected to the internet?

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Some think so. I know one site that has a game moderation team that is constantly on the look out for engine users. So much so they’ve even banned 1200’s. Basically what they do is run a game through an engine and check for how many of the engine’s first choice (or even 2nd or 3rd choices) was played. Anything over 80% is suspect. Of course a lot depends on the engine being used and the amount of time it’s allowed to think. Also the processor speed will affect move choice. You also have to wait until you are out of “book” moves in the opening so as not to skew the results.

Just play over a GM game with a computer and see how many times they agree with the engine’s 1st-3rd choices; many times they don’t and you have a modest match rate of 50-60%. However very often after a few moves the computer changes its evaluation so the GM’s move was still pretty good. Proving that in the absence of tactics when planning dominates there may be several moves of nearly equal worth.

In the final analysis actually proving anything can be dicey.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag

Your method sounds useful. Suppose that we create a computer correlation score. One would get 3 points for matching a selected engine's first choice, 2 points for second choice and 1 for third. By each player's name would appear the average score per move. In "my stats" the average over last 100 games would appear. There would also be a plot showing the average score verses players ratings. Those who care could avoid players with high scores.

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