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Topic: How to check chess games for computer use?
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I’m not sure it’s practical to monitor every game played on the site. Things get ugly when you start making accusations. Also most users will only get so high when they either start playing other engine users or playing really strong players who know how to handle them. In either case their progress stops. Awhile back I played a 2100 who was using an engine. He (or rather his engine) reached a won R&P ending but he himself wasn’t good enough to realize his engine did not know the winning procedure and he ended up losing a position any 2100 should have known how to win. My philosophy is let them alone.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
You bring up a lot of valid points. It’s hard to prove anything and users are in the minority so why even bother? I personally know one CC player who has never been rated over 1500 OTB and freely admitted to me he has been using engines in CC for years. His CC rating has never gone over 2200. What’s funny is he challenged me to a CC game then couldn’t understand why I refused.

aknightoutCanada flag
So if 2 players used the same edition of Fritz would it result in a draw?! :-D ;-)

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
If two players used the same edition of Fritz it would result in a Fritz. I joined this club to play against human beings from across the world, not some program from some particular place. Though some human players might play ideal moves as per an engine, their rating scores might back that up. It is when low-ranked players suddenly come up with devastating countermoves, that I begin to wonder...

liquidateCanada flag

I agree with the last guy I too joined to play People not engines or bots!

Go to Figs if you want to use engines Kids.

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