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Topic: How to check chess games for computer use?
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag

recent matches between comp. and world champions show that engines are stronger than 2400

WinsomelosesomeEngland flag
Im not sure if it is at all possible to find out if someone is using an engine or not. Higher rated players are expected to win more games against lower rated players but it's not a 'be all and end all rule'. Many players who are new to this site begin with a very low rating. We all know, or should know, that that is not their fault it's just the way all websites for chess are made. So if you're playing someone with a low rating and you get the crap kicked out of you don't immediatly think that the person is using an engine. It could just be that they are really good.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
You can’t know for sure but I wish people that do want to use them would confine themselves to playing at IECG or ICCF where they have no rules against them and just about everybody uses an engine. A 1500 +engine will not beat a 2200+engine so even on those two sites the best players are still the highest rated. There is more to selecting a move than just letting an engine do it. If that’s all there was to it you’d see Odie_Spud playing for the world CC championship!

igothedistancePhilippines flag
i play the game with all my knowledge, those using engine I welcome them as my opponent. If i have been defeated, their engine defeated me not them personally.
Those were the people i treat as cowards of the 64 squares. Not playing games with their mind all because of rating. hahaha. Their engine has the rating not themselves.

RascaduanokEngland flag
How does this compare to using books or moves and combinations from established games?

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