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Topic: How to check chess games for computer use?
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AuDoSweden flag

The great opening moves Anand, Kramnik, Topalov are playing is mostly tested against an engine at home before they plays the moves in a tournament.

ICCF games by grandmasters are also mostly a result from testing the moves against an engine.

Using moves from opening books is using opening moves tested mostly against an engine.

ArkantosGreece flag
To Go www.clxba.blogspot.com :-(O)

HokZ157United States flag
I think playing against a chessmaster or fritz program etc is good practice and can sharpen your skills. I don't, however, see the point in "testing" your moves on a program before you make them against a human opponent. Chess is a game to be enjoyed, and I want to play against and beat someone with my own moves, my own creativity and knowledge. Sure, I could win more if I had a program helping me decide on moves, but then it wouldn't really be ME earning the win... Nobody's perfect and everybody loses some. Get over it and stop using programs

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