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Topic: What should this endgame position be called?
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EvjenUnited States flag


Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to call the above endgame position?

I think "trapmate" seems like a pretty good name, but would like to know what others think.

I hope everyone would not call it a draw, since black is clearly in the better position, but even if they do, it is so different than a standard draw that it should get its own name.
(Incidently, I think it would be a 3/4 win for black.)

(It looks like I was the last to post on "Extended Chess" and on "Posting chess games and diagrams in the forums" because I was testing to make sure my board image would display properly and then deleted the posts.)

PatouCanada flag
how come Black's "in the better position" ??? who's turn is it? if it's black's move, he's certainly not better. his best move would be to just move his king and get a draw

EvjenUnited States flag
It is white's turn.

OnceuponEngland flag
This is getting silly.

And it already has its own name. Try to guess it!

EvjenUnited States flag
I am sure you and many others would call it a draw, be even so, it is so different than normal draws, that it should get its own name.

In what I would call a true draw, both players could go on moving indefinitely.

In a stalemate position,the one who administers the stalemate has trapped their opponent from moving without putting their king in danger.

However, in the above position, black has trapped white from moving at all, so it is a bit different than stalemate. (Black must have moved a pawn last.)

Why not give it a specific name, even if you think it is a type of draw?

OnceuponEngland flag
You keep saying this type of drawn position has no name and yet you keep on using it.

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