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Topic: Vacation
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OnceuponEngland flag
This thread is now beneath silly. If no one is going to take these subjects seriously then I refuse to share my knowledge and wisdom further.

That is all.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
No it isn't!

(Oh, I'm sorry, is this a five-minute argument or the full half hour?)

Clarify any of these points, and I in turn will clarify a metric pound of butter...

-Did Schroedinger ever own a cat?

-If the speed of light is the maximum speed possible in the universe as we know it, is it possible for two games to travel in opposite directions at the speed of light each? In a universe where everything is in motion to begin with, that would seem patently impossible! And it would cause a hell of a taxi bill for the arbiter...

-Are vacation days also subject to quantum uncertainty?

-Why eat a rook when knights are much tastier?

-What is the attraction for some players to get out of the opening books as soon as possible?

Clarify two, and I'll mail the clarified butter to any address you consider appropriate.


OnceuponEngland flag

If the speed of light is the maximum speed possible in the universe as we know it, is it possible for two games to travel in opposite directions at the speed of light each?

Of course! However, the adjudicator would observe that the other match was travelling away from him at the speed of light and no faster.

That's one. I'm really not interested in the butter.

Are vacation days also subject to quantum uncertainty?

Unofficial answer:

Contact Miguel.

lithomanDenmark flag

However, Stanley Random Chess (SRC) players consider themselves highly respectable (if not respected) in the chess world (indeed, quite above the masses of Simplified Stanley Random Chess (SSRC) players who dominate it) and would never subject themselves to such experimental tomfoolery

I should explain. This was part of a demonstration of the superiority of Stanley Random Chess. Quantum calculations proved it was impossible to entangle SRC games. Something about the number of positions vastly exceeding the number of possible parallel universes.

While it pained them to do so, they played the 120 SSRC games to show that, indeed, they could be entangled, and therefore within the scope of ordinary physics.

OnceuponEngland flag

Something about the number of positions vastly exceeding the number of possible parallel universes.

It has been estimated that the number of possible games of Stanley Random Chess is infinity raised to the power of four. (The dedicated SRC computer "BigFish" worked for nine years and six days before concluding that the answer was quite probably infinity raised to the power of something.)

Due to the complexities of move sequences, board patterns and indeed the rules themselves, the number of Stanley Random Chess positions cannot yet be calculated, given the limitations of today's computers. However, it is known that almost 100% of them are illegal.

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